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In a democracy, we elect officials to pursue policies and create laws for cities, states, and the whole country. Cities have city councils and mayors; state governments make decisions in each of the fifty states; and each state sends senators and representatives to Congress to make nationwide decisions that affect all of us. As citizens of a democratic nation, it is our responsibility to understand what is going on and make our voices heard. And as elected officials, it is their job to listen.
Practice civic responsibility & write to your elected officials with our new Give Voice Postcards.
To contact the President of the United States, call 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111
To learn more about:
The structure of the American government, visit www.usa.gov/branches-of-government
Registering to vote, visit www.vote.gov
Your elected officials, visit www.usa.gov/elected-officials
Includes: 25 4″ x 6″ postcards